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Little Ones @ All Saints


We want children to HEAR God’s Word, KNOW God’s Word, and DO God’s Word!  

Available year-round, nursery opens at 9:00 a.m.
Nursery and childcare are provided for your children so that you may fully participate in worship, education classes, or other special events. It is our goal to provide a safe, loving, nurturing environment for your children. Our childcare is staffed with at least two adult paid staff members who are professionally trained in adult and Pediatric CPR & First Aid and safe church policy. 

All staff and adult volunteers are given a criminal background check for further safety. Additionally, the classrooms are evaluated weekly for cleanliness and safety. For the protection of all children and staff, children who show any sign of illness should not be brought to the nursery. If symptoms develop after the service/event begins, you will be notified immediately.

Nursery Check-in/check out: Your children are checked in to the nursery via a secure computer check-in system and given a printed label that includes their name, allergies, and a unique number that will match a label given to the parents. Parents must have the corresponding label with them when picking up their children. Please leave your cell phone number with the nursery so they may reach you during the service/event if necessary.

Our nursery is located in the Children's wing of the The Gathering Place building.

  For more information, contact Jessica Greiner, Family Ministry Director.