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There are many ways to serve and get involved at All Saints!  Check out our list of ministries and see where the Lord leads you to be involved.

Youth and Adults alike can serve the Lord at All Saints as Acolytes during the worship services. Participants rotate through different responsibilities: Crucifer, Torch Bearer, Banner Bearer and sometimes Thurifer. If you are interested in serving as an acolyte, please contact the church office at 770-486-5374 for the next acolyte training session.

Altar Guild
Members of the Altar Guild prepare for the church services and care for the altar linens, candles, wafers, chalice, wine, priest's vestments and anything else necessary for worship. They also prepare the altar for weddings, funerals, and baptisms. Team members share other responsibilities such as purchasing vestments, linens, and other supplies as needed. Please contact Bess Davis through the church office at or 770-486-5374.

The Ambassadors facilitate transportation of All Saints parishioners, and their family, who are not otherwise able to attend Services, Church activities, Medical appointments and the like. Within the network of volunteers, a driver will be assigned either on a one time or ongoing basis. Additional help may be deployed where wheelchairs are involved.  Please contact Mike Davis through the church office at or 770-486-5374.

Flag Ministry
The Flag team participates during each week’s service procession bearing the American Flag and Christian Flag. There are five teams of two, all of whom are former military that faithfully serve this ministry. We are delighted to welcome new team members that wish to share in this ministry.  Any active or former service member interested in serving with this group is welcome to contact Raymond Gray through the church office at or 770-486-5374.

Flower Guild
The Flower Guild provides the church with beautiful flower arrangements throughout the year. Its members follow the pattern set up for the church year by the readings for each Sunday and by the liturgical season. Each week the readings have a theme -- a message that ties them together. The clergy use this theme as a starting point for the sermon; the musicians use it for making selections; and the flowers often reflect that theme. Sometimes the theme does not translate in a visual way, so the flowers will highlight the dedication or the color for that liturgical season. Other times, the arrangements may just represent a joy to the glory of God. The Flower Guild is open to all who would like to learn about flowers. The Jr. Flower guild is also open to all children who are interested.  Please contact Mitzi Warstler through the church office at or 770-486-5374.

We greet parishioners and visitors upon arrival at All Saints with a smiling face and show God’s hospitality to all. We assist visitors with child care needs and if necessary explain the service bulletin and aspect of our Anglican worship. We desire to be a warm first impression of All Saints and strive to:” Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” Rom 12:13. Please contact R.C. Rover or or 770-486-5374.

The coffee gathering after the Sunday morning service is important to allow time for fellowship. Members and visitors can enjoy the delicious food and beverages provided by the church. Looking ahead and anticipating Church membership growth, we want to ensure that new members and visitors continue to feel welcome. We strive to avoid burdening the same people repeatedly; therefore, we are encouraging each ASAC family to prayerfully consider participating at least one Sunday every two months. All that is required is setting up food and coffee before the service as well as clean up. Please call Kim Hickmott through the church office at 770-486-5374 for more information on how you can participate.

Lay Readers
This group presents the word of God, as contained in the Old and New Testaments, to the members and attendees of All Saints during Worship services. They also present the chalice to those taking Communion. Please contact Phil Kelley through the church office at or 770-486-5374.

The Choir at All Saints is an integral part of an evolving music tradition of joy and excellence in God’s service that seeks to participate in and transform our worship through the power of music. The choir sings music from around the world and across the centuries, from Anglican chant and canticles, to pieces by both traditional and contemporary composers.

The All Saints Praise Band - great music, great songs, great worship …Our ensemble of instrumentation and vocalists features modern praise music and renditions of other popular hymns. With a unique combination of vocalists, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, keyboard, percussion and other instruments; our praise band delivers engaging and uplifting song and worship for all musical tastes. Our praise band members are a composite of all ages and come with various musical backgrounds. The combination of these talented individuals is a true blessing to All Saints. Our praise band is a wonderful asset and performs at least once a month at Sunday worship services and on other occasions.

Handbell Choir

Angel Band

Our Music Director and pianist, Caleb Houck, brings a wealth of instructional talent and experience to All Saints. Please contact Caleb Houck through the church office at 770-486-5374.

New Member Committee
With the growth of All Saints, an organized ministry to address the special needs of new members & visitors to the congregation has been formed. We are encouraging those who feel called to this ministry to help out in any number of ways: folks to greet and welcome visitors; people to follow up with letters, cards, packets, or phone calls; people to help with special newcomer socials, just to name a few. You are invited to participate in any way you feel God is calling you. Please contact R.C. Rover through the church office at or 770-486-5374.

Prayer Chain
The Emergency Prayer Chain is a vital part of our ministries. When the need arises, we contact those on the chain and pray for whatever need there might be. Please contact Pauline Bonura or the church office at 770-486-5374.

Soldier Care
The Soldier Care ministry at All Saints expresses gratitude to the soldiers serving our county by sending cards and care packages to soldiers serving in both combat and non-combat areas throughout the world. We solicit donations of items to send to the troops serving overseas. Please contact Fred Smith through the church office at 770-486-5374.

Sonshine Helpers
This ministry offers support to members who are ill, shut-in, or in need of temporary assistance. Families in need are contacted to find out what can be done to support them (i.e., meals, driving to appointments, visiting, running errands, doing chores, or providing simple nursing care to those in need of a little extra help). Please contact Julie Barry through the church office at 770-486-5374.

This group smiles, greets, and hands out weekly church service bulletins. They check environmental conditions before services and assist in seating, counting attendees, presenting the bread and wine and directing an orderly procession to the Communion rail. They take up the offering and are available for the needs of any attendee. They spruce up the pews after each service. Please contact David Schafer through the church office at 770-486-5374.